Umpires Working Together
While Rule 4 of the OBR states that the umpires “are in charge of the playing field” (4.03e), there are times—close games, highly competitive teams, tournament contents—when situations during the game can start to get out of hand: coaches confronting, fans yelling, what does the Umpire do? Ideally, after there's a warning from the Umpire, the coach will stop. If not, he should be ejected.
The best time to talk to the coach is between innings: just pull your lineup card out of your pocket and pretend you’re examining it. Fans therefore, don’t see that you’re having a discussion regarding coach or crowd behavior.
For sure, other than the above, it’s good to have a few tips in your back pocket. Like Dave Ernst, whose two sons 9 and 11, played travel-team baseball, and whose barn and field area were used for four sessions of tween umpire training as noted, the overriding concern is the umpires’ being in control, being in charge.
“The three most important things I think the umpire has to learn? Control the fans, control the coaches, and hustle.”
Still, while these are valid comments, and look good on paper, what helps the young umpire, New Blue, is taking the game under his direction. The minute he steps on the diamond for a day of yard work he is ready to umpire. Things can start out smoothly with a solid plate meeting with the coaches:
I. Plate Meeting
a. This is when you get things rolling, where you spell out your expectations.
b. “Coach, I want players hustling on and off the diamond.”
c. “Coach, I have a wide zone. Not crazy wide, but wide. I want them swinging the bat.”
d. “Coach, if you have any questions, please talk to me between innings.”
Wrong Approach
I will admit, I was pretty chummy with skippers when first starting out. However, this ingratiating behavior might come back to bite you. If the coach you had made fast friends with thinks you missed a call, they’ll instantly be in your face. Smiling and joking pre-game becomes a chink in your armor.
Same with fans. Ignore them. They are all smiles and good time until the call goes against their team. Plus, fans will automatically assume you’re playing favorites.
Finally, the only person you talk to is your partner. Period. After the game is over, exit together—just like you entered—through the winning team’s dugout.
II. An Angry Coach
Use the chicken walk. He walks one way, you walk another.
Move slightly away from the coach coming in.
Listen to the complaint if he’s not yelling.
Let him have his say.
Nod, move on.
“Okay coach, now let’s play.”
III. Skipper Comes Out to Argue.
“Okay coach, maybe I missed it. But we’re not having this discussion.”
IV. Automatic EJ’s—These Ugly Coach Behaviors Call for Immediate Rejection.
Base coach leaving his position to argue balls and strikes.
Profanity directed at you by the skipper.
Player throwing the helmet or bat.
Profanity directed at you by the player.
We can round this out with a definition from the OBR: Rule 9.02(a) Any umpire‘s decision which involves judgment, such as, but not limited to, whether a batted ball is fair or foul, whether a pitch-is a strike or a ball, or whether a runner is safe or out, is final. No player, manager, coach, or substitute shall object to any such judgment decisions.
Coach Control
Samples when other umps think skippers have crossed the line (2018 Umpire Forum)
If I see the 3rd base coach coming down .I would give him the stop sign. I would say, "Coach we;re not having any more of this discussion.
Coming at you he is showing you no respect.
Remember, you’re in charge, be in charge.
A Few Stop-Gap Measures Many Umpires Use:
Coach that’s enough.
Coach you are restricted to the dugout for the remainder of the game.
You are not to leave the dugout barring a fight or injury unless you decide to leave.
A player arguing ball/strikes is the only time I have given for the heave-ho. EJ in my entire career
Kid Control
Actions: Kid throws the bat against the fence after a K—EJ.
Actions: Kid throws helmet in the dugout after a K--your call.
Comments: You’ve got to be kidding me—EJ.

Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Umpire’s communication signals
The count: do not flash it around the infield. Give the count directly toward the mound and hold it long enough for the pitcher to see it.
1. Umpire’s communication occurs in two forms: non-verbal communications whenever there is a change of base runners or outs and verbal communication and hand signals that occur when a fly ball is in flight or during plays.

2. The non-verbal communications are given in the form of hand signals and should be given whenever there is a change in base runners or the number of outs. When there are no runners on base (i.e. the base umpire is at the A position) no communications are used prior to the pitch. Hand signals are first used after a batter/runner is safely on base and prior to the next pitch. The home plate umpire should initiate the communications sequence. Following the end of the previous play as the base umpire assumes his new position, the umpires should make eye contact and the plate umpire should give the appropriate hand signal for the current number of outs and the anticipated movement when the ball is put into play by the batter. The base umpire should echo the hand signals given by the plate umpire unless signal given is inappropriate for the current situation.
3. The approved hand signals are as follows:
- Outs: A closed fist indicates no outs, one or two outs are indicated by extending the appropriate number of fingers. Do not use the index finger and little finger to signal two outs, use the first two fingers in the V symbol to indicate two outs.
- Infield fly: Indicated by touching the bill of cap or the top of the mask. This signal indicates that the infield fly rule is in effect. It is given when there are runners on first and second with less than two outs or the bases are full with less than two outs.
- Timing Play: Indicated by tapping either wrist. This signal indicates that a timing play is possible. It is usually given when there are two outs and a runner in scoring position. This is a reminder to the plate umpire that should the third out not occur as a force at first or a fly ball, it will be necessary to judge whether the runner touches home before the third out is recorded.
4. The hand signals along with verbal communication that are used while a fly ball is in flight or during plays are:
- When a fly ball is hit to the outfield, after reading the flight of the ball it is necessary to communicate responsibility with your partner. To indicate that you are going to determine “catch-no catch” tap your chest while making eye contact with your partner. To indicate that your partner should determine “catch-no catch,” point at your partner while making eye contact. Verbal communications are used with either of these signals to indicate responsibility. Always use your partner’s name and anything appropriate to convey responsibility; i.e. “Joe, my ball” or “Joe, you take it”. Your partner should verbally respond and give the opposite hand signal to you.
- Going Out: With the base umpire on the first base line (A position) and a fly is hit down the right field line or is a trouble ball to right field the Going Out signal is used. This action is indicated by extending your left arm up and over your head as you start moving down the foul line. At the same time as you signal and before you turn your back to the plate umpire, communicate verbally by saying “Joe, I’m going out”. The plate umpire should respond with OKAY.
- Infield Fly: Indicated by pointing straight up with the right hand. This signal is used after the ball has reached its apex and either umpire determines that it is an infield fly (see definition in NFHS or Pro rule book). While pointing up, call loudly “Infield fly, if fair the batter is out”. The other umpire should echo this call in a loud voice.
- Fair/Foul: Indicated by pointing toward fair or foul territory while facing down the foul line in question. Note: When the ball is foul, first indicate time followed by pointing into foul territory. Also for a foul ball it is only necessary to point when the ball is hit near the foul line. If ball is hit out of the playing area or is far from the foul line it is not necessary to point, just indicate time. Pointing the ball fair or foul can be done with either the left or right arm as appropriate and may be done with the mask in the plate umpire’s hand, it should not be done by pointing across your body.
- Strike: May be indicated by using either the Hammer style or the Point style. With the Hammer, the upper arm should be parallel to the ground and the hammer motion (similar to rapping on a door with the edge of your fist) should be in the general direction of the mound. When using the Point, step or lean into the direction of the point. For call strike both of these signals must be accompanied by a voice call. For swinging strikes remain silent by give the hand signal.
- Foul Tip: Indicated by extending the arm closest to the batter and either tapping the wrist with the other hand or swiping the wrist with the other hand, followed by the strike signal. Do not vocalize a foul tip since the ball remains live.
- Out: An out is generally indicated by a Hammer Style signal with the first accompanied by a verbal “He’s out”. Usually the out signal is toned down for plays that are not close at all and the verbal portion may be dropped. As plays become closer, the signal should become stronger and voice call should have added emphasis. It is permissible to develop a Punch or similar move to give emphasis to very close plays
- Safe: A safe call is indicated by bringing the arms up to a straight out position in front of the body and the moving to the sides fully extended. This should be done in one smooth motion. As with the Out signal, when the runner is safe by a large margin it is not necessary to vocalize the safe, just give the hand signal. Plays that are closer should be indicated with both the Safe signal and a vocal “Safe”. Do not say “He’s safe,” just use the word safe. If the play is very close, the signal and call can be doubled up. Give the signal with a loud safe and then step toward the play and repeat the signal and call.
- Ball/Strike Count: To give the count to the pitcher (or coach when asked) use the left hand to indicate balls and the right hand to indicate strikes. A closed fist indicates zero and the appropriate number of balls and strikes are indicated by extending your fingers. Do not use your thumb. When giving enough for the pitcher to see it. If a coach asks for the count it is permissible to show the count toward him. Also give the count vocally with the hand signals occasionally during the at bat. Usually after the first three pitches and also when the count reaches 3 and 2. Give the count as 2 and 1, or 2 balls – 1 strike. Never use a whole number (i.e. 31) nor the word “full count.”